
Sepeda Motor Bebek Injeksi Kencang dan Irit Jupiter Z1

Modifikasi 2012 motor kenceng si raja ngebut motor bebek baru si irit Jupiter Z1Sepeda Motor Bebek Injeksi Kencang dan Irit Jupiter Z1 - diluncurkan perdana di 2 kota yaitu jakarta & kota pelajat yogjakarta, Kabar baiknya si motor bebek kencang ini, Motor Jupiter Z1 kini hadir dengan teknologi baru makin irit dan kencang serta spontan di ajak ngebut, PT YIMM menggelontorkan produk All New Jupiter Z resmi untuk umum di tahun 2012. Modif teknologi motor injeksi terbaru Yamaha, untuk konsumsi bahan bakar bisa jadi lebih ngirit lagi sampai 20 persen, dan di jamin kencang, spontan. tidak kalah dari versi Jupiter Z pendahulunya.
versi terdahulunya saja sudah hebat apalagi di sempurnakan seperti ini. pasti jadi lebih sip.
Motor Matic Injeksi Irit -Jet-Fuel Mixture Injection (YMJET-FI) sendiri sudah di rencanakan akan di produksi massal oleh yamaha untuk menggantikan motor karburetor, untuk memenuhi ISO dan langit biru sehat dan minim polusi udara di indonesia.

Sepeda Motor Bebek Injeksi Kencang dan Irit Jupiter Z1 warna all
Sepeda Motor Bebek Injeksi Kencang Irit Jupiter Z1 2012

Sepeda Motor Bebek Injeksi Kencang dan Irit Jupiter Z1 silver
Sepeda Motor Bebek Injeksi Kencang dan Irit Jupiter Z1 putih

Sepeda Motor Bebek Injeksi Kencang dan Irit Jupiter Z1
Sepeda Motor Bebek Injeksi Kencang dan Irit Jupiter Z1 merah

Sepeda Motor Bebek Injeksi Kencang dan Irit Jupiter Z1
Sepeda Motor Bebek Injeksi Kencang dan Irit Jupiter Z1 hijau

Sepeda Motor Bebek Injeksi Kencang dan Irit Jupiter Z1 biru
Sepeda Motor Bebek Injeksi Kencang dan Irit Jupiter Z1 biru

Peluncuran meriah Motor Jupiter Z di jakarta dan jogjakarta.
Wah Peluncuran meriah banget, seperti di kutip dari media massa :
Tarian sexy dancers juga memikat pengunjung yang memadati area launching di Pekan Raya Jakarta (PRJ). Program menarik ."Yamaha sekaligus mengawali penjualan All New Jupiter Z1 kepada publik di PRJ di hari launching. Diberikan program spesial setiap pembelian All New Jupiter Z1 mendapatkan jaket dan helm special edition," ucap Indra Dwi Sunda, PR Corporate & Communication Head PT YIMM.
Sementara launching All New Jupiter Z1 di Yogyakarta dipusatkan di JEC (Jogja Expo Center). Tak kalah meriahnya berbagai suguhan hiburan bagi pengunjung seperti urban competition, beatbox, streetdance, RC crawling, fotografi. Band yang tampil lumayan banyak Brave Boy, Slamet Man Band, Captain Jack dan bintang utamanya Tipe-X.
Spesifikasi Mesin Motor Jupiter Z

Spesifikasi Motor Jupiter Z1
  •     Dimensi : P x L x T (mm) 1.935 x 680 x 1.065
  •     Jarak Sumbu Roda : 1.240 mm
  •     Jarak Terendah ke tanah : 135 mm
  •     Tinggi tempat duduk : 765 mm
  •     Berat isi : 101 kg (spoke wheel) / 102 kg (cast wheel)
  •     Kapasitas tangki bensin : 4.1 liter
Mesin Jupiter Z1
  •     Tipe mesin : 4 langkah, 2 valve SOHC, berpendingin udaraa
  •     Jumlah/posisi silinder : silinder tunggal/mendatar
  •     Volume : 113.7 cc
  •     Perbandingan kompresi : 9.3 : 1
  •     Daya maksimum : 10,06 PS (7.4 kW) / 7.750 rpm
  •     Torsi maksimum : 9.9 Nm/6.500 rpm
  •     Sistem starter : Electric Starter dan Kick Starter
  •     Sistem pelumasan : Basah
  •     Kapasitas oli mesin : Total 1 liter
  •     Sistem bahan bakar : Fuel Injection System (F1)
  •     Tipe Transmisi : Rotary, 4 Kecepatan

Rangka  Jupiter Z1
  •     Tipe rangka: Steel Tube Underbone
  •     Suspensi depan: Teleskopik
  •     Suspensi belakang: Lengan ayun, suspensi ganda
  •     Ban depan: 70/90-17MC 38P
  •     Ban belakang: 80/90-17MC 44P
  •     Rem depan: Cakram
  •     Rem belakang: Tromol
Kelistrikan Jupiter Z1
  •     Sistem pengapian: TCI (Transistor Control Ignition)
  •     Battery: YTZ4V / GTZ4V (MF Battery 3 Ah)
  •     Tipe busi: NGK-CR6HSA

Detail Teknologi  Baru Jupiter Z1:
  1. YZ Crankshaft Technology dapat meningkatkan akselerasi dan torsi, sudah digunakan di motor trail Yamaha YZ450F.
  2. Low Friction Technology yang memperkecil hambatan tenaga akibat gesekan sehingga tenaga mesin menjadi lebih optimal.
  3. Forged Piston yang memiliki daya tahan tinggi dan ringan sehingga mampu menyalurkan tenaga mesin yang besar serta menjadikan sepeda motor lebih mudah berakselerasi.
Motor Bebek Jupiter z1 patut dapat julukan sepeda motor bebek injeksi kencang dan irit.
Harga Motor Motor Jupiter Z 
New Jupiter Z1  Dibanderol On the road Jakarta @ Rp 14,3 juta untuk type spoke wheel (pelek jari). dan casting wheel (pelek racing) harganya Rp 15,1 juta. masih hampir sama dengan motor karburator.
Dengan di balut grafis bertemakan warna gold metal dragon heart (naga emas dari emas yang tengah mencakar). Naga emas metal ini diibaratkan seperti naga robot yang dihidupkan teknologi FI yang canggih dan futuristik. elemen material metal  ini untuk memperkuat kesan canggih modern. Grafisunik All New Jupiter Z1 disematkan pada cover side dan leg shield. Desain pada tubuh Jupiter Z1 bertambah menarik dengan tulisan Fuel Injection pada leg shield kanan dan kiri. Lalu di dekat front panel adastiker All New Jupiter Z1. Untuk detail informasi soal motor bebek Irit Jupiter Z1 bisa langsung ke web resminya di http://www.yamaha-motor.co.id


Motor Matic Injeksi Irit -Jet-Fuel Mixture Injection (YMJET-FI)

Jet-Fuel Mixture Injection (YMJET-FI) YAMAHA MIO J
Injection 2012 YMJET-FI MIO J
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Jet-Fuel Mixture Injection YMJET-FI MIO JNew Yamaha Mio J 2012, Motor Matic Injeksi Irit Harga Murah with machine motor with 4-stroke engine with SOHC 2 valve 113 cc capacity. can produces power 7.75 PS at 8500 rpm. Excellent motors performance was supported by the application of environmentally friendly technologies from Yamaha Jet-Fuel Mixture Injection (YMJET-FI).
Motor Matic Injeksi Irit Harga Murah Yamaha Mio j looks more sporty shape modif, will became trend fastest scootermatic from yamaha. support by the Applications forged pistons and diasil cylinders ensure space fuel to last. The combination of technology produce more fuel efficient consumption by 30 percent over the carburettor version.
Motor Matic Injeksi Irit -Jet-Fuel Mixture Injection (YMJET-FI)
Here the Youtube video about technology Jet-Fuel Mixture Injection (YMJET-FI) motor injeksi irit 4 tak,

Mio J called "It’s Magic." with tagline "Semakin Cepat Semakin Irit...It’s Magic." Motor Matic Injeksi Irit Harga Murah

Spek Harga Yamaha Mio j yamaha YMJET-FI

Motor Matic Injeksi Irit Harga Murah Mio j 2012 show with 4 type color with interest colour choice.
spek harga mio j 2012harga mio j irit kencangspek harga mio j yamaha, scooter matic with charming design and hitech technology last safe injection-fuel.
spek harga mio j yamaha
this new bike scootermatic yamaha in the PRICE harga tag of just Rp. 11.99 (almost 12 million rupiah) until trellis type alias sw Rp.12, 930 million (nearly 13 million rupiah).
here the specifikasi of Yamaha MIO J YMJET-FI.

Spesifikasi Yamaha Mio J 2012 jet-fuel

4-tak SOHC, air coller

Volume cilinder
113.69 cc

Rasio compression

Bore x Stroke
50x57.9 mm

plug ignation

fuel methode
Injection system YMJET-FI

Ignation Sistem

Kering otomatis sentrifugal

Bahan bakar
Bensin beroktan 91

Elektrik dan "Kick"

Fuel Tank
4,8 liter

Oli Capacity
0,8 liter

Movement System
Automatic V-belt (V-Belt)

Ratio gear
2,343-0,874:1 .

Air Filter
Kertas basah

Dimention P x L x T
700 x 1,850 x 1,050 mm

745 mm

Leg Distance
130 mm

1,260 mm

Net Height
Net 87/93 kg

Piston tunggal (depan) dan teromol (belakang)

Ban / Tire
70/90-14M/C 34P (depan), 80/90-14M/C 46P (belakang)

Aki / Accu

Lampu utama /Head lamp
12-volt 32 watt

with all the specification, we hope yamaha MIO J jet-fuel technology become more fuel-safe and faster.
Yamaha Mio j - Motor Matic Injeksi Harga paling Murah , Harga On The Road Jakarta  :
Mio J FI harga Rp 11.990.000,-
Mio J CW-FI harga Rp 12.800.000,-
Mio J-CW Teen harga Rp 12.930.000,-

Motor Matic Injeksi Yamaha Fino Retro

2012 Motor Matic Injeksi Yamaha Fino Retro TYPE
Yamaha Fino has launched for sale in indonesia now. the brother of yamaha mio j with retro type motor scootermatic. at the fact the shape just like a Honda scoopy but have a different type of technology.
Yamaha Motor Indonesia has opened the newest generation of orders scooter retro Mio, Mio Fino, to prospective customers for 2012.gambarYamaha Fino Retro
Motor Matic Injeksi Irit Harga Murah, Scooter that carries the tagline 'Mio Fino, Fashionable Matic' is on sale at Yamaha dealerships. nice design like Motor Yamaha Mio j.
Yamaha offers 3 variants of the Mio Fino : the Fino Sporty, Fino Fashion, and Fino Classic. For Mio Fino Fashion, Sporty has released at a price of Rp13, 5 (million rupiah). While harga Mio Fino Classic marketed for Rp13, 65 (million rupiah).
IN 2012 Mio Fino is expected to meet the women needs, who want to stay beautiful while riding a motorcycle. Was deliberately released to coincide with the moment of love or Valentine's Day, this February 2012. Yamaha Mio Fino plotted by the target segment for young people, especially women riders.
Fino is equipped with Automatic Headlight On (Aho), Fule meter, speedometer, front pocket, CTV engine, and tail light. The kitchen spur, Mio Fino type equipped 4-stroke engine, 2 valve, SOHC, and fan-cooled 113 cc capacity. This machine is able to catapult power up to 8.35 in the round PS 8000 rpm with peak torque reached 7.84 Nm at 7,000 rpm.
This scooter is expected to face a rival of the Honda Scoopy.
as we know Fino has launched in india, singapore, malaysia a couple year ago.
2012 Yamaha Fino Retro image
2012 Yamaha Fino Retro indonesia
2012 Yamaha Fino Retro
Yamaha Fino Retro 2012
here the option choice striping color mio fino

Yamaha Fino Retro TYPE
Yamaha Fino Retro jadi Motor Matic Injeksi Irit Harga Murah
Motor Matic Injeksi Irit Harga Murah - Yamaha Mio J

Motor Matic Injeksi Irit Harga Murah - Yamaha Mio J

Julukan Motor matic injeksi irit harga murah yang di sandang Yamaha Mio J yang merupakan pilihan paling Tepat Desain Motor Matic Injeksi Irit, motor matik yang jadi idaman para pecinta matik di indonesia yang suka efisiensi, ramah lingkungan serta motor paling cocok untuk menanggulangi kenaikan BBM yang tidak dapat terelakan lagi. Yamaha motor di tahun 2012 ini meluncurkan produk motor matic injeksi irit dengan harga murah berupa yamaha Mio J yang mengadopsi teknologi jet fuel injection (FI), di imbangi desain lebih keren lagi di bandingkan generasi matic yang lain.

Motor Matic Yamaha Mio J Harga Murah tapi tidak murahan
Survey pasar menunjukan bahwa motor matic ini tergolong sangat murah di kelasnya, berikut kisaran harga pasar yang di banderolkan kepada Motor Yamaha Mio j, Untuk harga on the road Jakarta, Mio J-FI dibanderol seharga Rp 11.990.000, Mio J CW-FI harganya Rp 12.800.000, Mio J-CW Teen FI seharga Rp 12.930.000. 
coba saja bandingkan dengan motor setype dengan spesisikasi sama, dengan merk produsen lain, pasti nominal ini lebih murah.

Motor Mio J tampil dengan Desain Menarik
Varian Mio J ada 2 type yaitu Mio J Family dan Mio J Teen. yang mempunyai keunggulan desain masing masing.
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Mio J Family punya karakter dinamis, sporti, elegan, dan simpel. Ada lima varian pilihan untuk tipe Family, yaitu warna putih, hijau, biru, hitam, dan merah. Sedangkan Mio J Teen sangat cocok buat anak-anak muda yang ingin tampil gaya, sporti, dan dinamis.
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Uniknya Mio J Teen didesain berdasarkan 3-tone color combination. Ada tiga warna dasar berbeda dalam satu produk itu, yang dapat dilihat pada cover depan dan cover head lamp; spack board depan, cover sayap samping dan cover body belakang; cover body bagian bawah.
Aplikasi tiga warna dasar berbeda pada bagian-bagian motor tersebut nyata tampak pada lima varian Mio J Teen. Varian pertama yang menjadi hero bike berwarna dasar hitam - putih - merah.
Yang lainnya berwarna hitam – hijau – abu-abu muda; putih – biru – abu-abu muda; putih – hitam – abu-abu muda; dan putih – merah – abu-abu muda.
Desain Mio J full attraktif. Update sesuai fashion motor modern gaul. Desainnya mengambil aliran garis yang tidak terputus dari bodi depan ke bodi belakang sehingga menciptakan kesan harmonis. Sporty, canggih dan dinamis.

Menggunakan Teknologi System Injeksi Irit
Mengusung teknologi YMJET-FI untuk pembakaran sempurna, tenaga yang maksimal namun sangat irit BBM serta ramah lingkungan. memiliki system motor-part : diasil cylinder, forged piston, dan YMJET-FI; TPS (Throttle Position Sensor), IATS (Intake Air Sensor), IAPS (Intake Air Pressure sensor), ISC (Idle Speed Sensor), O2 sensor, serta Crank Angle Sensor. Ke semua sensor itu merespon dan memberi instruksi secara cepat dan akurat kepada injektor mesin agar menyuplai bahan bakar sesuai kebutuhan. posisi injektor yang mengarah langsung ke ruang bakar. Kondisi teknis ini membuat aliran tidak tersumbat, sehingga tetap irit walau bertenaga penuh.
Motor Matic Injeksi Irit ini di sempurnakan dengan sistem Air Assist Passage (jalur udara khusus pada sistem YMJET-FI). Sistem ini bekerja mengarahkan suplai udara secara cepat dan menciptakan efek turbulensi yang membuat campuran bahan bakar dan udara menjadi mudah dibakar di dalam ruang bakar.jadi tidak usah sering mampir ke SPBU untuk mengisi bahan bakar karena besarnya tangki Mio J yang dapat diisi 4,8 liter bahan bakar.
Mio J mampu berhemat bahan bakar sampai 30 persen dari generasi mio sebelumya. maka si Mio J disebut "It’s Magic."
Spesifikasi mesin Mio J injeksi menggunakan tipe mesin 4-langkah, 2 valve, SOHC, berpendingin kipas dan berkapasitas 113 cc. Mesin ini mampu menghasilkan tenaga hingga 7,75 PS di putaran 8.500 rpm dengan torsi puncak mencapai 8,5 Nm di 5.000 rpm.
Fitur Menarik/penting Mio J adalah key shutter (kunci magnet) anti maling. maka ketika parkir kita tidak usah galau. serta di desain dengan jok panjang untuk memudahkan bawa boncengan. lihat website resminya di  www.yamaha-motor.co.id
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limited edition Yamaha R15 only 500 units produced

2012 limited edition Yamaha R15The NEW DELHI news Yamaha International - there limited Yamaha R15 models feature two Special Editions in the event at INDIA- New Delhi Auto Show 2012. ready for be manufacture.
limited edition Yamaha R15
R15 yamaha modifthere is 2 special edition Yamaha R15 just only 500 units produced by yamaha. For Indian consumers who are interested, can come directly to reserve R15 Special Edition to an authorized dealer.
limited edition Yamaha R15 only 500 units producedYamaha R15 limited is extremly have beautiful and sporty body shape. Both limited edition model is named R15 Fiery Red Special Edition 50th Anniversary Edition and R15 WGP. The price for each unit is priced at 1.10 lakh (Rp20, 1 million rupiahs) and Rs. 1.11 lakh (Rp20, 2 million rupiahs).
2012 yamaha limited edition R15 is just pure design. Nothing has changed from a mechanical aspect. R15 continue to be supported by a 150cc engine with liquid cooled engine that produces 17 PS power and torque of 15 Nm of torque.
Unfortunately R15 has no plans pave in Indonesia. Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing (YIMM) as the holder of the Yamaha brand in Indonesia, had insisted that no new sports variant is present. YIMM still rely on old sport like Yamaha Scorrpio variant, Yamaha V-Ixion and Yamaha Byson. (zwr)
source : http://autos.okezone.com/read/2012/02/14/53/575184/yamaha-r15-special-editions-hanya-500-unit


2012 new wave 125i PGM-FI

honda thailand 2012 new wave 125i PGM-FI fuel injection technology
2012 new wave 125i PGM-FI there is four option of motortype color here Black, White, Red, Blue IN 2012 has began to release in thai market public.
as we can see this motortype is similar type with honda supra x 125 injection helm in - indonesia. have same specifications adn performance technology.
new wave 125i injection2012
new wave 125i injectionin thailan honda wave 125 with carburetor is still be favorite and the best fuel save motors of honda, just lik ein indonesia was. motor honda irit di jalanan dan jarak tempuh jauh yang tahan panas.
2012 inject new wave 125i
HONDA 2012 new wave 125i PGM-FIevent show HONDA 2012 new wave 125i PGM-FI white color


yamaha mio j with jet fuel technology

yamaha mio j claimed can be fastest scootermatic and fuel safer in the matic class motor. this februari 2012 yamaha mio j launched and sell to public for indonesia.
yamaha mio j with jet fuelYamaha Mio J, why this call mio j because this scootermatic modif adopted with fuel injection.
"Yamaha Mio J using injection technology Yamaha Fuel Injection Mixture JET-or often abbreviated to YMJET-FI, Well, from the word JET is in the middle Yamaha Fuel Injection Mixture-JET is the letter " J " is taken. The letter J is used as the name of the generation behind the latest Mio. JET has the meaning of the word certainly sooner or perform well. "
yamaha mio j with jet fuel technology
2012 jetfuel yamaha mio jyamaha Mio J with jet fuel technology.


mobil esemka solve the cheap car rental

based the increase of popularity of this cars the mobil esemka solve the cheap car rental problem.
National Car Esemka from Solo, Central Java, became public after talks Solo Mayor Joko Widodo replace his official car by car type Esemka rajawali. And it used the assemblers, the students of SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta, to open up orders for consumers who want to have a luxury car at a price below 100 million rupiahs.
mobil esemka solve the cheap car rentalUsed car Esemka Mayor Joko Widodo Eagles are the type that uses a 1500 cc engine with four cylinders plus. The car's injection system. Variant type Rajawali Esemka car is petrol SUV with seven-passenger capacity.
mobil esemka-cheap car rental
mobil esemka 2012 cheap carthe specify of Esemka RAJAWALI type have modif advanced features, such as power windows, dual zone air conditioning, power steering, central lock, CD audio system with parking sensors as well as not to miss. Esemka Eagles ready to circulate with the sole agent (APTM) PT Solo Creative Manufacturing. The price of this car is quite affordable, below 100 million rupiahs.

this january SMK 2 Surakarta Open Esemka Car Orders for public :

based the Mayor of Solo - indonesia, Joko Widodo to VIVAnews.com :
High School students (SMK) Solo is quite appalling. In fact, car rental companies from others cities, has ordered a Esemka cars. "In addition to the rental company, officials, artists, professionals, and also the general public," he said, at Sunday, January 15, 2012.
According to him, usually the price of cars rental 200 thousand-300 a day, with mobil Esemka could drop to 100 thousand rupiah.
Esemka is very exclusive because the cars is good and have nice interior.
According to Jokowi (solo-mayor), car demand as a form of longing for domestically made ​​products. "How many numbers I do not know, because the mayor has nothing to do with business and sales. Kan I just Esemka promotional ambassadors," he admits.
some comenter says if this Esemke type car is very attractive well shape both in terms of passenger capacity. Moreover, the price is below Rp 100 million.
source : google.com Auto 2012

prototype Mobil Esemka Digdaya 1.5i

prototype of mobil Esemka Digdaya 1.5i modif
trend 2012 of mobil esemka be popular in indonesia automotive market in indonesia
Mobil Esemka Digdaya 2012
modif Mobil Esemka Digdaya
prototype Mobil Esemka Digdaya 1.5i
since last year the mobil Esemka has overcome a modified in the rebuild of the sparepart and model by some school students as practise. let's check this video review of this cars :

modif of car Prototype Esemka Digdaya 1.5i, mobil-nasional that have double cabin artificial Singosari SMK Negeri 1 Malang. This prototype is still using some other vehicle components that imported from china. But in mass production, most of the components will be produced alone or in cooperation with other automotive companies at indonesia.
since the end 2011 the Esemka cars more popular and be famous, and overcome better qualified to be best national cars product with special price.